Jun 10, 2006, 05:28 PM // 17:28
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
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The Ritualist Invades The Forest
[with VIDEOS] Ritualist/Ranger guide to solo farming the Forest of the Wailing Lord
by Sarutobi Sakura
Rit Forest farm (85 mb 11:43) http://files.filefront.com/forestfar.../fileinfo.html
Video of the RUN (14 mb 3:36) http://files.filefront.com/fowforest.../fileinfo.html
THE FOREST OF THE VENGEFUL LORD This build utilizes the not-so-high-attack-damage of the forest monsters to succesfully tank and at the same time deal damage using the Ritualist Elite Item Spell:
Vengeful was Khanei - Hold Khanhei's ashes for 5...10 seconds. Whenever a foe strikes you in combat while you are holding Khanhei's ashes, you steal 5...29 Health from that foe.
First up!
A Restorer's headgear of Superior Restoration and an Oracle's (armor +10 while holding an item) suit with minor ritualist runes and major/sup vigor is recommended but not necessary. Halycon's, which gives you additional energy, will also do. If you have the resources, craft a separate armor piece with a minor rune of restoration for the run as you will need as much health as possible.
NOTE: The hardest part of this farm is the run. A ranger takes about 80-90 damage from fireball while a ritualist recieves 130+. It takes practice and experience to be able to estimate whether you'll survive tanking the 2 incendiary bonds, 2 fireballs and normal attacks the shadow elementals throw at you, while you aggro the group of Skeletons To them.
Weapon ...yes a weapon!
You will only need a flat or longbow for pulling.
Restoration - 12+3+1
Wilderness Survival - 12
1. Vengeful was Khanei [E]
2. Vengeful Weapon - For 8 seconds, the next time target ally takes damage from foe, that ally steals up to 15..51 Health from that foe.
3. Troll Unguent - For 10 seconds, you gain health regeneration of +3...9.
4. Distracting Shot - If Distracting Shot hits, it interrupts target foe's action but deals only 1...13 damage. If the interrupted action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds.
5. Storm Chaser- For 8...18 seconds you move 25% faster, and you gain 1...4 Energy whenever you take elemental damage
6. Generous Was Tsungrai - Sacrifice 10% Health. Hold Tsungrai's ashes for up to 15...51 seconds and gain +50...122 maximum Health. When you drop his ashes you gain 100...244 Health.
7. Quickening Zephyr - Create a level 1...8 Spirit. For creatures within its range, all skills recharge twice as fast as normal and cost 30% more Energy to cast. This Spirit dies after 15...39 seconds.
8. Soothing Memories - Target ally is healed for 10...82 Health. If you are holding an item, you gain 3 Energy.
QZ recharges VWK at the same time it starts blinking.
Storm Chaser compensates for the high mana cost of skills. When fighting Sheperds and Worms (which deals lightning dmg) you're able to keep VWK on for 39 seconds!
- Cast Generous Was Tsungrai for the health boost. At lvl14 Restoration GWT gives you an additional 134 health for 59 seconds and heals for 268 health when dropped. Keep GWT on at all times.
- At Point X *video hint hint*. A ranger can pull the Skeletons to the Shadow Army because of its high armor. A ritualist will be too soft to tank fireballs and incendiary bonds and you'll be holding GWT anyway. I usually wait for the two groups to wander but here's an alternative.
- Check the Skeleton Army's patrol pattern. Be sure they won't be completely blocking the way or else you'll be sandwiched between the 2 mobs.
- 2 Skeletal Impalers will pop out at Point O, just run past them.
Spirit Sheperds: use your bow to attack, stay out of casting range and you'll be safe
skills used: Aura of Restoration, Lightning Strike, Chain Lightning, Iron Mist
Rock Borer WOrms: it is advised that you take on only 3 at a time as they use Chocking Gas (a preparation) which interrupts spells you cast. Time your VWK and VW in between hits. 2-3 VWK + VW spamming kills them.
skills used: (annoying combination) Pin Down, Chocking Gas, Concussion Shot, Lightning Reflexes, Throw Dirt
Spirit Woods: hard hitters. Just keep up Troll Unguent all the time and you'll be fine.
Amored Cave Spiders: surpirisingly the easiest monster to kill in the forest 1on1. Tanking 2 is possible but for starters aggro only 1. They use Healing Spring right after Apply Poison so be sure to hit it with Distracting Shot. Dead in 20 seconds or less.
**Skeletal Berserkers: Put up QZ and Spam VWK. They use Cyclone Axe and Wild Blow so they can bring down your life a bit. Heal when necessary. They should be dead in about 2-3 VWKs
**Skeletal Impalers: Spam VWK + VF. Keep a good distance away so they won't land Distracting Shot on a skill.
skills used: Spike, Barbed, Dust, Flame Trap, Distracting Shot
**Skeletal Bond: Same deal. NOTE: They use Infuse Health on allies so make sure you lure the berserkers as far away from them as possible.
skills used: Vigorous Spirit, Live Vicariously, Infuse Health, Spell Breaker
**Skeletal Icehand: Try not to fight these guys but they are killable. Watch out for Maelstrom; start moving when you see it casting so you can avoid its AoE. I haven't tried the group on the other side of the bridge tho.
A-Spirit Sheperds
B-Rock Borer Worms
C-Spirit Woods
D-Spirit Sheperds+Spirit Woods
E-Armored Cave Spiders
First you'll encounter Spirit Sheperds patrolling the entrance. Cast Quickening Zephyr [25 energy cost], wait for 13 energy then activate Storm Chaser (unlimited energy). Use your bow to get their aggro then cast VWK. Remember to stay out of casting range. Spam VWK and Vengeful Weapon. Reactivate Storm Chaser when needed. They should be...
Speed: dead in 38 seconds, around the time when QZ expires. Requires 3 rounds of VWK.
3 Rock Borer Worms will pop out of POINT B. Cast Quickening Zephyr, wait for 13 energy then activate Storm Chaser. Cast VWK then run towards one group (take only 3 at a time-when more than 3 attack, hit Storm Chaser and run..) Use Troll Unguent and keep it on at all times, Chocking Gas only interrupts spells so Troll Unguent is unaffected. Spam Vengeful Weapon and VWK in between hits.
Speed: Dead in 2 rounds of uninterrupted VWK or one VWK and VW spamming (for a single worm).
Spirit Woods, use your bow to aggro them then cast VWK. Pick one Spirit Wood and watch for it's Troll Unguent. When it uses it drop VWK and hit Distracting Shot. Use Troll Unguent and spam VF. It should be dead before it is able to activate Troll Unguent again. Repeat on the remaining Spirit Wood/s. Use VWK whenever available.
Speed: N/A. VWK lasts for 11 seconds at 12 Restoration and they will often set up expired Nature Rituals which take 4-5 seconds to cast minimizing the effectiveness of VWK.
Wait for the patrolling 3 Spirits Sheperds and Spirit Wood after you've killed the 2 Spirit Woods. Use QZ and Storm Chaser. Unlimited energy = spam spam spam. I usually kill the Sheperds first then the Spirit Woods.
Clearing AREA 1... Armored Cave Spiders - run around Point E to get them to pop out. It is advised that you fight only one at a time. Stand still and wait for Apply Poison to finish then use Distracting Shot on Healing Spring (they use it immediately right after, so you should never miss) Cast VWK then Troll Unguent and keep it on at all times. Spam Vengeful Weapon, they should be dead before they're able to use Healing Spring again.
Speed: Dead in 23 seconds under 1 VWK and 3-4 Vengeful Weapons.
After killing the spiders, feel free to aggro those on top of the ledge. (AREA 3, POINT A and D). Use Storm Chaser then as soon as they get inside your bubble, press X to get out of casting range.
Now to AREA 2... Further north east you will find 2 groups of 3 Spirit Sheperds, 2 Spirit Woods and 3 hidden Rock Borer Worms. Run to a corner to the east and you can aggro all 6 Sheperds.
3 Rock Borer Worms will pop out of Point B kill them. Proceed to the top of the hill and kill the Spirit Woods there. You'll see 3 patrolling Spirit Sheperds and 2 Spirit Woods on the other side, if you haven't killed them yet, you can aggro them using a longbow from here. Pick up your loots its time to head to AREA 3!
There should be 2 berserkers on both sides of the bridge and a hidden skeletal impaler for each group. Set up QZ at the back first then hit the first 2 Berserkers with your long/flatbow. You should be able to aggro just the two. Chain VWK and heal when necessary. Your QZ would'vee expired already but its ok. Creep up to where the berserkers were to get the burrowed Impaler out. When its out move a little distance back and just spam VWK and VF. Next aggro the last 2 Skeletal Berserkers, kill them then proceed to lure out the remaining Impaler. If there are any Skeletal Bonds (they should be at the middle of the 2 bersker groups) kill them after you're done with the 1st group of berserkers. More often than not you will aggro them along with the first group of berserkers, sit it out and they'll eventually die before QZ expires.
NOTE: Impalers use traps. Make sure you are in full health before picking up their loots. o_o
Depending on the spawn, 1-3 spiders might pop out at Point E. If more than one does, Storm Chaser to AREA 4. Run back and aggro one (or two if you already can :P). When fighting these spiders be careful of the patrolling Spirit Sheperds. Kill the the patrolling group at Point D then the 2 Spirit Woods to your right. (You should have already killed the 2 groups of Spirit Sheperds patrolling this edge). AREA 3 cleared!
Head to AREA 4 and you will see 2 Spirit Woods on top of a hill. 3 Rock Borer Worms will pop out at the base of this hill so kill them first. There will be another patrol of Spirit Sheperds, kill them then run around the open plain to lure out any hidden Spiders. Once you've cleared the area of Spiders, (AREA 5 now) kill the 2 Spirit Woods guarding the pathway. There are 3 Rock Borer Worms at POINT B and 3 Spirit Sheperds patrolling the exit of the forest. I find that you can pull the Sheperds with a longbow and not aggro the Worms. Kill the Sheperds, then the Worms and that's the..
end of the Forest run! You've cleared The Forest using you're dusty ritualist hooray >_<
ADDED:*Skeletons on the exit of the forest. Difficulty: hard
When you've finished the forest head out the exit and run along the right wall. 2 Impalers will pop out, kill them. I'm not sure if this is spawn dependent but a patrol of 4-6 skeletal berskers, 1-2 skel. bond and an icehand will be visible from your rader coming from the top. They CAN be killed but with precaution. Your main goal is to chain VWK until they kill themselves which is possible with QZ. Cast QZ hit the berserkers with your bow then use VWK. Keep an eye on the ICEHAND. After Blurred Vision and Deep Freeze it will use Maelstrom and by that time you should be moving (either left or right) to get out of its AOE once it hits the ground. Hit VWK once it starts blinking, watch out for the 2nd Maelstrom and repeat until all have been killed. The bonds will only be able to infuse at most 2 berserkers so it should be fine
Special thanks goes to Dahnel whose Ritualist Vengeful Farming build i used extensively and
Remmeh for his amazing R/Me Solo FoW Forest Farm which got me farming FoW in the first place and was the inspiration for this guide.
That's it for my first guide. Comments/suggestions are more than welcome.
-Antoninus The Pious
*June15 Added 2 VIDEOS
*June21 Added Killing the Skeletons
*If you have any questions post them here =)
Last edited by antoninus; Jul 07, 2006 at 11:19 AM // 11:19..
Reason: editted maps
Jun 11, 2006, 04:40 PM // 16:40
Academy Page
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amazed o_O
Jun 11, 2006, 04:52 PM // 16:52
Wilds Pathfinder
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Insane. Props to you.
Jun 11, 2006, 04:54 PM // 16:54
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Armored cave spiders dont use Salvage shot ?! :S they use called shot.. They dont interupt far as i know ..
Jun 11, 2006, 05:21 PM // 17:21
Join Date: Apr 2006
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they do have savage shot, its just rare ull see em use it...
Jun 12, 2006, 12:32 AM // 00:32
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Nov 2005
Guild: Apathy Inc [AI]
Profession: R/Mo
very nice!! glad to see one of the new professions being used down to solo there. grats.
and no i don't mind anyone using what's already out there, just give credit where credit is due. gotta try this out with my rit sometime.
edit: you have an exact time for the whole farm? i'm curious. mine was around 40-45 minutes.
Last edited by remmeh; Jun 12, 2006 at 12:34 AM // 00:34..
Jun 12, 2006, 01:25 AM // 01:25
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Evil Death Bane [EDB]
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*added the forest map
the fastest i've done was around 45+ minutes. based on my previous there are 2 things that could slow this build down:the run and the rock borer worms (especially at the entrance)
With practice a ranger can easily pull the skeletons to the shadow army at Point X but it takes even more practice for a ritualist to do that because of its low AL. The additional HP from GWT compensates for this (and it heals too ) but you'll be escaping with less than 1/4 hp often if you do manage to pull the aggro off.
For the worms, how fast you kill them depends on the timing of your VWK and VW. With a bit of practice you'll find that you'll never get interrupted. Get VWK interrupted once and you'll have to wait 20 seconds for its recharge.. And that's 3 (or more) worms hitting at you spamming choking gas whenever it's ready
Jun 12, 2006, 12:52 PM // 12:52
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jun 2006
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the rit can farm fow now? o_o gj there! im sure to try this out now i just have to get him from LA to ToA XD
Last edited by Forry Fisher; Jun 12, 2006 at 01:02 PM // 13:02..
Jun 12, 2006, 01:29 PM // 13:29
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Nov 2005
Guild: Apathy Inc [AI]
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you can get there from Zin Ku Corridor iirc.
Jun 12, 2006, 02:39 PM // 14:39
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by remmeh
you can get there from Zin Ku Corridor iirc.
ohhhh.. dang thanks! going there right now
Jun 14, 2006, 11:06 AM // 11:06
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Evil Death Bane [EDB]
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just downloaded GameCam lite will be posting a video.. as soon as we get favor
Last edited by antoninus; Jun 17, 2006 at 10:12 AM // 10:12..
Jun 14, 2006, 04:32 PM // 16:32
Krytan Explorer
First step: Watch his new video.
Second Step: Give up your live for this FaNtAsTiC farming build.
Last step: Get rich or die tryin'
Jun 15, 2006, 01:02 PM // 13:02
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Evil Death Bane [EDB]
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Videos are up!! check them out
Jun 16, 2006, 02:03 AM // 02:03
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jun 2006
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this video would really help, im having a hard time getting past the shadow and skeleton army. sometimes they won't go near each other and im forced to wait for like 15 minutes before they do.... anyone noe a way around these guys?
Jun 17, 2006, 09:05 AM // 09:05
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Evil Death Bane [EDB]
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either you wait for them to wander around each other, or head to the cliff to the left of the shadow elementals (its what i did in the running video). one time while in this spot the shadow army wandered to near the entrance for me to pass by, so i hit a skeleton from the top of the cliff and they ran straight for the entrance where they were killed by the shadow army. It was wierd, instead of attacking the shadows they used their spells on me (which i just tanked). The elementals used firestorm and they didnt run away, they kept hitting me from behind the wall >_< until they died
Jun 17, 2006, 09:54 AM // 09:54
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Guild: Bound By Wild Desire [Wild]
wow, just wow. gonna have to try this out.
i do have a question for you (or anyone else) concerning rit armor. virtuosos mesmer armor has +15 while casting spells, and like knights armor for warriors, one piece gives a global effect (so says wiki). so my mesmer wears virtuo gloves, my warrior wears knights boots .... BUT does rit mystics armor work in the same way? will wearing one piece give a global +15 while using skills?
im trying to decide which set/combo would be optimal. of course after reading this post, ill be buying a set of oracles armor as well .... which makes me wonder if the +10 for oracles is global too.
anyway, thanks for sharing this amazing build.
Jun 17, 2006, 02:04 PM // 14:04
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Running to the corner and losing the mesmer's aggro is harder than it looks, took me awhile to get the hang of it but it was worth it. And btw, the 6-8 skeletons at the bridge (inside the forest) are killable.
There will be 2 berserkers on the left and 2 more on the right side. Each group of berserkers will have an Impaler waiting to unburrow. Sometimes there are Skeletal bonds too but they're not a problem. Its just annoying when they use infuse health, it won't stop you from killing them though, just takes more time.
Anyway if you hit the first two berserkers you won't aggro the rest of the skeleton army. Wait for the berserkers to come then kill them with VWK and keep Troll up. Run further back when VWK runs out eventually they'll head back to the bridge wait for your VWK to recharge then lure them again. They take 2 lurings to kill.
For the first impaler slowly approach the area where the 2 berserkers were standing to get it to pop out. Kill it then proceed to kill the 2 berserkers left and then the last impaler.
The skeletal bonds use infuse health which makes killing the berserkers/impaler longer if they happen to be within its casting range. Just sit it out soon they'll have a low enough health and they won't use infuse anymore. You can also probably kill the 2 more impalers hiding on the other side of the bridge though i haven't tried them yet. This might be worth the bother just in case there's a chest in there.. a req.8 Chaos Axe would be nice. I tried luring the berserkers on the other side, but the icehand just comes with them.
P.S. nice vid;p green day ftw
Jun 17, 2006, 02:17 PM // 14:17
Krytan Explorer
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Vengeful was Khanei, heh.... I tried to name my character like that, but it didnt work, so i called him Honest was Aybabtu (All Your Base Are Belong To Us) :P
Jun 18, 2006, 12:43 AM // 00:43
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Evil Death Bane [EDB]
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[QUOTE=Cash]BUT does rit mystics armor work in the same way? will wearing one piece give a global +15 while using skills?
im trying to decide which set/combo would be optimal. of course after reading this post, ill be buying a set of oracles armor as well .... which makes me wonder if the +10 for oracles is global too.QUOTE]
tbh i dont know.. but if you're thinking Halycon's for the + energy, i never really encountered energy problems, storm chaser takes care of the rest.
Last edited by antoninus; Jun 18, 2006 at 12:46 AM // 00:46..
Jun 18, 2006, 04:38 AM // 04:38
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Nov 2005
Guild: The Adrenaline Engine [GO]
Nice build, just cleared my first run in a little over an hour. After receiving nothing from the forest dwellers i went on the to skeletal army. One of the impalers droped a max gold req 9 shadow bow and my mouth watered. I went to go pick it up, but died on the traps before picking it up (well, now i know theyre there). It seems like just too much work for me though. I think ill stick with vermin, minos, trolls, etc.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go cool off about that bow!
Last edited by Genetic; Jun 18, 2006 at 04:41 AM // 04:41..
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